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Anello delle Zattere

Oliero to Valstagna past to present

This ring route bridging the gap between past and present is a pleasant combination of a walk up-river along a nature trail and a river descent aboard a large raft. The Anello delle Zattere® trail follows some sections of the old paths of the zattieri raftsmen, used in the past for floating timber downstream from the high plateaus of Veneto to the city ports of Padua and Venice. The combination of riverbank and water activity gives incredible views of the Brenta Valley in a complete, rewarding visit.


This excursion, for large groups only, is suitable for people of any age and ability and is completely safe. You will be accompanied by Ivan Team nature and environment guides on land, and by Italian Rafting Federation guides on the raft trip.

Difficulty: none
Elevation gain: none
Suitable for: everyone
Duration: 3 h
Recommended period: March-October. To help us organise, booking is required for a scheduled date and time for your activity.
Clothing: we recommend sportswear and a change of shoes and trousers.

Prices include:

For bookings and information on prices and opening times, call Ivan Team on +39 0424 558250, send an email to info@ivanteam.com or complete the form below

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