What is it?
RAFTING is a river descent on a special unsinkable, self-draining inflatable craft, made of extremely tough material, known as a raft. The name rafting comes from the English verb “to raft”, which means to travel along a river on a raft, the craft used for this activity! The team guides the raft down through the rapids using paddles. The raft is piloted by an expert licensed guide who co-ordinates operations and takes more and less experienced team members down the river.
Rafting is also a recognised sport and the Italian Rafting Federation (F.I.Raft) organises the annual Italian championship where numerous clubs compete in various disciplines (downriver, sprint, head to head and slalom). The levels of difficulty of navigating rivers descended by raft are graded according to the WW scale, officially recognised by the International Canoe Federation (IFC), an association uniting the national canoe and kayak federations.
Our river, the Brenta, is grade 2 (medium – not difficult); a fast river with easily avoided obstacles, wide, clearly visible dead zones, clear line of descent, although it requires considerable manoeuvring. The descent is thrilling and satisfying without being frightening.
Why choose us?
RAFTING ON THE BRENTA is something everybody can do and is enjoyed widely for its intense thrills and the opportunity to admire the surrounding landscape from a truly unique vantage point. It is the safest, most adventurous craft for discovering the valley flanked by stone terraces, little villages perched on the rocks and stunning natural landscapes of rare beauty.
Water games and battles with other teams, diving from the raft and river banks, swimming in the rapids, a whole range of thrilling, energy-charged experiences that guarantee fun and boost team spirit.
Accompanied by our expert guides, all licensed by the Italian Rafting Federation, equipped with the latest EC-safety standard compliant technical equipment, you’ll be the protagonists in this unique river excursion.
Before embarking on your river activity, your guide will give you the correct clothing and a short theory lesson, explaining essential river descent manoeuvres and safety measures to adopt.
Ivan Team is the only Rafting Centre in Veneto recognised by CONI, FIRaft (Italian Rafting Federation), FIN (Italian Swimming Federation), FICK (Italian Canoe Kayak Federation) and FICT (Italian Tourist Canoe Federation). All activities are operated in compliance with extremely high safety standards and technical equipment provided complies with the latest EC regulations.
IMPORTANT: Trust us. We are the top Rafting Centre in Veneto with more than 30 years’ experience in river sports. For us, the safety of all our guests comes before fun. So don’t be taken in by imitations and boasts of exceptional discounts or kilometres of river. Quality and safety come at a fair price.
To meet a range of requirements, we have created a series of exciting courses for all levels, from rafting excursions on calmer waters, suitable for all ages and families with kids, to more challenging courses, for experienced participants who dare to try something harder.

La nostra Base Rafting
La nostra Base Rafting si trova a Solagna, punto di ritrovo per tutte le attività fluviali. E’ adiacente alla Country House Casa sul Fiume che si trova proprio sulla riva sinistra del fiume Brenta. E’ un luogo ampio, accogliente e curato, dove troverete tutto il necessario per passare mezza giornata all’aria aperta. Accogliamo migliaia di persone ogni stagione, per questo siamo organizzati al meglio per ogni esigenza.
- Reception e punto accoglienza
- Ampio parcheggio riservato
- Bar per spuntini veloci
- Aree pic-nic attrezzate con tavoli e panche
- Area barbecue (dotata di griglie a gas, frigorifero, lavello) con adiacente area pic-nic anche coperta
- Bagni, spogliatoi maschili e femminili, docce calde
- Attrezzatura omologata e igienizzata per le attività fluviali
- Sicurezza garantita dalle Guide fiume formate e tesserate dalla Federazione Italiana Rafting
- Bus per transfer attività e per trasporto agevolato attività didattiche
- Zona relax in riva al fiume
- Wifi gratuito
- Pernottamento e prima colazione nei nostri B&B
Questi servizi sono a disposizione dei clienti che partecipano ad una delle nostre attività fluviali e dei loro accompagnatori. Alcuni di essi, come ad esempio l’area barbecue, sono da prenotare al momento della conferma dell’attività fluviale, per garantire a tutti la migliore organizzazione possibile.